Friday, May 6, 2011

Today's video conference with Heart Lake Secondary School of Brampton Ontario in Canada

Canadian Teacher Ms. Ivich, wrote this to me after our conference today:

Well, that was a success! I can see why it would be beneficial to have more than one conference as the kids really wanted to get to know one another and discuss very cultural things (ethnicity, music, dress, SPORTS, etc.). Regardless, it was a great learning experience and my kids were bustling with curiosities about the plight your students face with the looming neighbourhood buy-outs. I would definitely like to connect our kids via blog - and perhaps later, skype - to continue this learning. My students also realized how fortunate they are to have a safe environment with a lot of equality within their diversity. We didn't get to talk as much about issues such as identity which would have been a great conversation as my older students have quite divergent opinions than the students only one year younger.
Thank you, Clayton, for your help with the technology lesson and all your ongoing support. Thank you, Libbi, for your excellent introduction and google information. Libbi, the ice breaker - by the way - (I didn't see your emails today until now) was the information my students came prepared with regarding ethnicities, languages spoken, sports, famous Brampton citizens, school and academic clubs at Heart Lake, etc.
This was a fantastic experience that leads into many other poignant conversations and teaching moments. I'm thrilled that the experience affected my students, as I'm sure it did yours, that it wound up being an ongoing discussion this afternoon and after school.

Video of A. Maceo Smith HS and surroundings via Google Maps