Friday, February 25, 2011

The Student Blog Post of the Week Winner

Daevonda Hawthorne

See her blog

and see us dance The Student Blog Post of the Week Winner Dance.

The Student Blog Post of the Week Winner

Daevonda Hawthorne - Take a look at her awesome posts.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Due February 10th &11th - Vocabulary Over Your Class Topic

Classes will not differentiate their subject until we have completed Chapter 2. Due this Thursday (2nd and 3rd periods) or Friday (6th period) are the vocabulary from all three sections of Chapter 1. They are listed in the book as Key Terms and they are on pages 6, 14 & 23.
Use any two two methods from the Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies (document posted to the right margin of my blog). All vocabulary must be completed with two different strategies.
I have posted the vocabulary on the link below for you as well:

Due Friday February 18th - Create your blog

Click on the "Create your blog" link on the right side of my blog and follow all of the instructions until you have your very own blog on which to post your work and collaborate with your South African Partner.

Due February 18th - Read Your Assigned Chapter & Choose two of the four activities